1. Basic Dental Health Education and Awareness
We take meticulous steps to enlighten parents and children about the concepts of milk teeth and adult teeth, primary and permanent dentition and the transition from one dentition to the other. Emphasis is laid on educating people about various nuances and relevance of primary and permanent teeth.
1. Basic Dental Health Education and Awareness
We take meticulous steps to enlighten parents and children about the concepts of milk teeth and adult teeth, primary and permanent dentition and the transition from one dentition to the other. Emphasis is laid on educating people about various nuances and relevance of primary and permanent teeth.
2. Parent Education
The whole concept of growth, development and differences between primary and permanent teeth is carefully and painstakingly explained to the parents. Also, the importance and the timing of a baby’s first dental visit and the physiodynamics of teeth and their correlation with other oral structure is also enumerated in great detail for the benefit of society at large.
2. Parent Education
The whole concept of growth, development and differences between primary and permanent teeth is carefully and painstakingly explained to the parents. Also, the importance and the timing of a baby’s first dental visit and the physiodynamics of teeth and their correlation with other oral structure is also enumerated in great detail for the benefit of society at large.
3. Personality Assessment and Behaviour Management
As a pediatric dentist, Dr. Bhavsar is well trained in certain aspects of child psychology, hence assessing the different personalities, moods and make up of children becomes relatively easier for us. Plus we are trained in imparting a range of behavior modification and shaping techniques to manage all types of children e.g. fearful, anxious, uncooperative, recalcitrant, etc, in the dental office across all age groups. And most of these children/parents not only go back cheerful, relieved, and satisfied about their dental experience (their fears and anxieties having been allayed), but also retain a very positive outlook and attitude towards dentistry.
3. Personality Assessment and Behaviour Management
As a pediatric dentist, Dr. Bhavsar is well trained in certain aspects of child psychology, hence assessing the different personalities, moods and make up of children becomes relatively easier for us. Plus we are trained in imparting a range of behavior modification and shaping techniques to manage all types of children e.g. fearful, anxious, uncooperative, recalcitrant, etc, in the dental office across all age groups. And most of these children/parents not only go back cheerful, relieved, and satisfied about their dental experience (their fears and anxieties having been allayed), but also retain a very positive outlook and attitude towards dentistry.
4. Prevention :
An entire gamut of preventive aspects of pediatric dentistry is introduced to the parents. The various aspects of delivering preventive programs involve :
a. Dietary and Nutritional Counselling :
Dr.Bhavsar will give you an exhaustive and useful account in connection with diet, nutritional counselling, food habits etc. and their role in dental decay formation. You will be educated thoroughly in the concepts of food pyramid, type of diet assessment (whether caries promoting or caries safe), sugar exposures, in-between meal snacking, caries risk, concept of tooth friendly foods etc.
Healthful Snacking :
b. Importance of Oral Hygiene :
When should you start cleaning? : Till about a year of the child’s life, the gum pads and teeth should be wiped with clean, damp napkins. Use a finger brush with or without paste, but moist when a few teeth start to erupt and when 6 to 8 teeth are visible using a pea-size non-fluoride toothpaste. When the molars start to erupt a low-fluoride toothpaste (meant specially for kids) that is having about 500 ppm fluoride now widely available in markets should be used. Don’t load the paste on the brush, rather touch the brush lightly on the paste. When the teeth are scrubbed, keep ready a damp handkerchief, on the other hand, to clean the teeth before the child attempts to swallow.
c. Brushing & Flossing :
Why brush and floss? : Brushing and flossing everyday will help keep your teeth and gums healthy. Clean teeth will also make your child look and feel better, teeth feel smooth, breath is fresher and your smile is brighter.
At our center, animated CDs and DVDs are shown to all patients about the proper brushing and flossing techniques as well as for other relevant topics.
d. Preventive Programs like Fluorides
Fluoride ion makes the molecular structure of teeth harder, more compact, and more resistant to acid attack and also disables bacterial acid synthesis which is a precursor for cavities. Fluoride can be imbibed systemically i.e. through drinking water wherein the ideal concentration should be 1 ppm (1 mg in 1 liter of water). This unfortunately is not the case with Mumbai municipal supplies. Fluoride is more commonly delivered topically. Topically means delivering fluoride to the teeth through gels, foam, varnishes, toothpaste, mouthwashes etc. This way they directly interact with teeth surfaces, replace certain ions in the structure of the teeth in order to make them stronger and can even remineralise small erosions and decalcified areas of teeth which may otherwise eventually decay. Fluoride can be attained at home by using fluoridated mouthwashes and toothpastes or in the dental office by gels, varnishes and foams. Dr. Bhavsar as a pediatric dentist is best placed to guide you through a proper fluoride regime, depending on your child’s needs, based according to your child’s predisposition and tendencies towards developing decay. Like certain children are more prone to viral attacks, gastrointestinal disturbances, allergies etc, likewise different children succumb differently to erosion, demineralization and eventual cavities on their teeth.
e. Pit & Fissure Sealants :
What are sealants? : Sealants are a safe and painless way of protecting your child’s teeth from decay. A sealant is a protective plastic coating which is applied to the biting surfaces of the back teeth. The sealant forms a hard shield that keeps the food debris and bacteria from getting into the tiny grooves of the teeth and causing decay.
f. Enamel Improving Creams :
Certain oral creams are now available that contain Casein and Phosphopeptide (CCP Protein) which holds calcium phosphate which is necessary for natural remineralisation of tooth enamel. These tooth mousses replenish the mineral stores of enamel by delivering bioavailable calcium and phosphate.. Dr. Bhavsar will be happy to share more information with you on this.
g. Saliva Testing Kit :
Saliva is nature’s primary defense system for the oral environment and is particularly important for protecting exposed tooth surfaces. Saliva protects teeth by
i) neutralizing acid challenges ii) flushing food and bacteria from the oral cavity iii) acting as a lubricant iv) forming pellicles on the tooth surface and v) delivering calcium phosphate and fluoride to the tooth surface.
Dental caries are largely dependent on saliva. A saliva testing kit helps you assess the caries risk and predisposition and thereby take correct pre-emptive steps. Saliva in a big way explains why certain children even if they are siblings, or twins, studying in the same class, in the same age group, and consuming similar amounts of sweets, chocolates, etc and more or less follow similar oral hygiene habits, develop dental decay in the early years of their life and certain children don’t.
h. Sugar Free Chewing Gums :
Use of sugar free chewing gum is heavily recommended. Recently additives like Xylitol which is a sugar substitute in the chewing gum have shown to not only reduce tooth decay but also remineralise small eroded lesions of the enamel. This is because studies have proven that Xylitol containing chewing gums also complement fluoride in dental care products and reduces the formation of plaque and other bacteria responsible for dental caries.
i. Plaque Disclosing Dyes :
As is evident plaque is responsible for dental cavity formation. Because it is generally not visible to the naked eye special staining dyes used in our set up “disclose” this hidden plaque. This way it becomes known which areas of the teeth are thoroughly clean and which are not and thus these disclosing dyes play an important role in oral hygiene awareness.
5. Irregular Teeth Prevention and Correction
The importance of primary teeth in the jaws of small children will be explained, in case the teeth are lost for some reason. Appliances such as space maintainers are recommended to prevent migration of other teeth in the empty spaces, otherwise the status of future permanent teeth (due to erupt after a few years) will be in jeopardy and thus cause irregularities in the jaws.
The dynamics of growth and development of the jaws and facial features is impressed upon the parents as well as early diagnosis of potential problems which may require orthodontic treatment. A lot of dental irregularities and deformities in the arrangement of teeth are diagnosed and corrected by your pediatric dentist, something the present day parents and older individuals often claim they missed out in their teens and that’s the reason they are now carrying on with perpetual dental irregularities.
5. Irregular Teeth Prevention and Correction
The importance of primary teeth in the jaws of small children will be explained, in case the teeth are lost for some reason. Appliances such as space maintainers are recommended to prevent migration of other teeth in the empty spaces, otherwise the status of future permanent teeth (due to erupt after a few years) will be in jeopardy and thus cause irregularities in the jaws.
The dynamics of growth and development of the jaws and facial features is impressed upon the parents as well as early diagnosis of potential problems which may require orthodontic treatment. A lot of dental irregularities and deformities in the arrangement of teeth are diagnosed and corrected by your pediatric dentist, something the present day parents and older individuals often claim they missed out in their teens and that’s the reason they are now carrying on with perpetual dental irregularities.
6. Dental Needs of Physically / Mentally Challenged and Medically Compromised
The dental needs of physically / mentally challenged children and physically challenged children will be addressed by Dr. Bhavsar. Having had the experience of working in hospital conditions with such children right from graduation days, we are in the most proper position to meet such challenges. These children generally do tend to suffer more dentally and need special expertise. Dr. Bhavsar has an enormous experience of treating such children having worked in Nair Hospital for more than 5 years, where he has received special training. Infact his MDS research and thesis has been based on oral and dental conditions of physically and mentally challenged and specially in cases of spastic children.
6. Dental Needs of Physically / Mentally Challenged and Medically Compromised
The dental needs of physically / mentally challenged children and physically challenged children will be addressed by Dr. Bhavsar. Having had the experience of working in hospital conditions with such children right from graduation days, we are in the most proper position to meet such challenges. These children generally do tend to suffer more dentally and need special expertise. Dr. Bhavsar has an enormous experience of treating such children having worked in Nair Hospital for more than 5 years, where he has received special training. Infact his MDS research and thesis has been based on oral and dental conditions of physically and mentally challenged and specially in cases of spastic children.
7. Need of sedation and general anesthesia
Various behavior modification techniques are liberally employed generally to get the desired behavior in a child to allow dental procedures. But in instances of very small children, fearful children, rebellious and unmanageable children, children requiring extensive treatments and multiple sittings, sometimes these techniques don’t work. In such situations, decision of undertaking treatment procedures under sedation / general anesthesia has to be contemplated. The advantages being complete dental treatment procedures required on each and every tooth can be performed one by one in just the one sitting only. At the same time, children don’t undergo any mental trauma, they sleep through the entire procedures thus eliminating chances of dental phobia. Dr. Bhavsar as a pediatric dentist can thus carry out even the most detailed and complicated procedures in otherwise inaccessible areas of the mouth and deeply positioned teeth without encountering gag and vomit reflexes. Getting all this done unhindered and without any disturbance from the patient’s side means sedation, TIVA technique / General Anaesthesia is a real boon to doctors and patients alike.
7. Need of sedation and general anesthesia
Various behavior modification techniques are liberally employed generally to get the desired behavior in a child to allow dental procedures. But in instances of very small children, fearful children, rebellious and unmanageable children, children requiring extensive treatments and multiple sittings, sometimes these techniques don’t work. In such situations, decision of undertaking treatment procedures under sedation / general anesthesia has to be contemplated. The advantages being complete dental treatment procedures required on each and every tooth can be performed one by one in just the one sitting only. At the same time, children don’t undergo any mental trauma, they sleep through the entire procedures thus eliminating chances of dental phobia. Dr. Bhavsar as a pediatric dentist can thus carry out even the most detailed and complicated procedures in otherwise inaccessible areas of the mouth and deeply positioned teeth without encountering gag and vomit reflexes. Getting all this done unhindered and without any disturbance from the patient’s side means sedation, TIVA technique / General Anaesthesia is a real boon to doctors and patients alike.
8. Oral Habits
Many oral habits like lip biting, thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, mouth breathing, lip and digit sucking etc. which can be considered normal in infants do produce deleterious and undesirable changes in the facial and oral profiles of children. Your pediatric dentist is the best person to highlight the pernicious effects of such habits, alert you on the disastrous consequences if continued for a longer period. A variety of treatment and psychological counseling options are imparted towards arresting such habits, correcting deformities in their initial stages and bringing back the perfect pleasing features you would like to have on your child.
8. Oral Habits
Many oral habits like lip biting, thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, mouth breathing, lip and digit sucking etc. which can be considered normal in infants do produce deleterious and undesirable changes in the facial and oral profiles of children. Your pediatric dentist is the best person to highlight the pernicious effects of such habits, alert you on the disastrous consequences if continued for a longer period. A variety of treatment and psychological counseling options are imparted towards arresting such habits, correcting deformities in their initial stages and bringing back the perfect pleasing features you would like to have on your child.
9. Parent Education Literature
Dr. Bhavsar’s dental office boasts of an exhaustive array of dental health education informative and awareness literature, in form of brochures, pamphlets, booklets etc. Many of the leaflets have been formulated by Dr. Bhavsar and are in consonance with AAPD (American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry), BDHF (British Dental Health Foundation) etc. and other popular and reputed websites.
9. Parent Education Literature
Dr. Bhavsar’s dental office boasts of an exhaustive array of dental health education informative and awareness literature, in form of brochures, pamphlets, booklets etc. Many of the leaflets have been formulated by Dr. Bhavsar and are in consonance with AAPD (American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry), BDHF (British Dental Health Foundation) etc. and other popular and reputed websites.
10. Audio Visual Presentation
Children and parents benefit extensively from specially acquired patient education software, DVDs from the ADA, Amazon.com, Cavity Busters Program of the USA, and Krames Communications, USA to name a few.
10. Audio Visual Presentation
Children and parents benefit extensively from specially acquired patient education software, DVDs from the ADA, Amazon.com, Cavity Busters Program of the USA, and Krames Communications, USA to name a few.
11. Kid Friendly Atmosphere
Dr. Bhavsar strives hard to make his chamber as pleasing, vibrant and lively as possible. A wide range of kid soothing and thrilling items like toys, play items, magic items, activity books, amusing and dental themed pictures, photos and books are displayed. Most of these items are acquired from special dental stores like Audobon Wild Republic, Samuel Harris Museum of Dentistry (USA), Practicon (USA), etc.
11. Kid Friendly Atmosphere
Dr. Bhavsar strives hard to make his chamber as pleasing, vibrant and lively as possible. A wide range of kid soothing and thrilling items like toys, play items, magic items, activity books, amusing and dental themed pictures, photos and books are displayed. Most of these items are acquired from special dental stores like Audobon Wild Republic, Samuel Harris Museum of Dentistry (USA), Practicon (USA), etc.